Shangguan 上官 is a
compound surname ranking 287th out of around 400, a rare family name
in China. There were three big Shangguan relocations in Chinese history, Han Dynasty (126-80 BC), Tang Dynasty (625-664), and Southern Song Dynasty (1127–1279).
History books (史书) said
“不可泯灭也, 伟哉上官氏, 壮哉上官氏! 先人之辉煌, 后人之楷模.” That
meant "Shangguan Forever! Shangguan Great! Shangguan Strong! Shiny before! And
shiny to follow!”
A few
historical novels were based on the Shangguan. Shangguan had always been
portrayed as rich, proud, powerful, and mysterious for its martial arts roles.
It was known to keep secrets. The
book, “Big Breasts & Wide Hips” by 2012 Nobel Prize Winner Mo Yan whose last name is Guan (管). It was about
the protagonist, Mother, born in 1900. Married at seventeen into the Shangguan
family, she had nine children, only one of whom was a boy, the narrator of the
book, a spoiled and weak child unlike his eight strong sisters. Mother, a
survivor, was a strong woman, who risks her life to save several of her children
and grandchildren. The chapters represent a different period, from the end of
the Qing Dynasty to the Japanese invasion in the 1930s, the Civil War, the
Cultural Revolution, and post-Mao years.
The word (世) was used in the Royal family and since Shangguan
married into the Emperor’s family; commonly, people would use the word
(辈). Both words meant “generation.” Shangguan was
recorded from the first generation around 325BC to sixty-six generations around
The origin of the our Guan (官氏远祖) was from Shangguan: Shangguan was from the younger son of Chu Hui King (楚怀王 ) and his wife Zhen Xiu (郑袖). He was named Shangguan ZiLan (上官子兰). Chu Hui King's last name was Xiong (熊); only his oldest son could take his surname. The younger son ZiLan took his offical title "Shangguan" as his last name. The origin of Xiong (熊), the royal family of Chu, came from a few sources. The first one was from Sima Qian's Records of the Grand Historian, the royal family of Chu descended from the Yellow Emperor. Some suggested that Chu was the descendant of Zhurong, the god of fire. Other said Chu was part 夏君夷民 or Dongyi. Western scholars suggested that Chu originated from the northwest part of China, or even farther from western Asia's Medes Zoroastrianism. The state of Chu was also call "Jing (荆) which was a purple flowered shrub, flexible and good material for making baskets. 《楚国八百年》 showed 800 years of Chu from Henan in the north to Hubei in the south. *** Sima Qian. "楚世家 (House of Chu)". Records of the Grand Historian (in Chinese). Retrieved 1 March 2012.芈才是楚的国姓,熊则是楚王的氏。 荆楚十八姓.
The Rise and Fall of the State of Chu
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Wooden Box for Shangguan Zhu Pu (genealogy records) |
Shangguan Chongyung (上官昌永) compiled sixty-six generations of Shangguan in Dingzhou from many family
history books.
The 1st generation was Shangguan Zilan (子兰 325 B.C.?). He was a chancellor of Chu State for 36 years. He and his wife Jing (景氏) had three sons (涵, 峻,屹) in today’s Hubei.
The 1st generation was Shangguan Zilan (子兰 325 B.C.?). He was a chancellor of Chu State for 36 years. He and his wife Jing (景氏) had three sons (涵, 峻,屹) in today’s Hubei.
generation was Shangguan Qian 屹 (291BC?). He was a Da Fu (大夫) in the state of Chu and he and his wife Xing
had two sons (成/官司马, 能).
The 3rd generation was
Shangguan Leng 能 (262BC?). After Qin took over Chu State, Shangguan were forced
to move to today’s Shaanxi. He and his wife Zhan (靳氏) had two sons (玄,易).
The 4th Generation
Shangguan Yi 易 (236BC?) His courtesy name was Tei. He was a Qin official in charge of gains and finance
(治粟内史) He and his wife (屈氏) had three sons (珧,洪,玮).
The 5th Generation
Shangguan Wei 玮 (206BC?). His courtesy name was Lu (禄). He succeeded his father’s position in charge of
Chu’s gains and finance (谏议大夫). He and his wife Xiang (项氏) had two sons (荣, 华). At this time, the Han Dynasty was rising. Again
Shangguan’s second big move to today’s Tien Sui (天水一带) in Gansu. They worked very hard and soon
Shangguan established and became a large noble family. Tianshui (“heavenly
water”) in Gansu became Shangguan’s Roots for later generations. See video on Tien Sui: 向往麦积山 20130910.
generation Shangguan Rong 荣 (177BC?). His courtesy name was Shan Yuen.(显昀)
He was the governor of the Tie Sui.
(天水郡丞). He and his wife Zhong Wu (钟吾氏) had two sons Jie and Ge (杰, 咯).
Rong’s brother Shangguan Hua
华 (174BC?). His courtesy name
was Xian Zhao (显昭),
the second son of Wei who married to Zhan
(靳氏). Shangguan Hua was an official at the time, was
involved in a case with Jie and An resulting in he and his family members being
killed, some fled and some changed their surname to Guan, Gong, Guan, Shang, Yan
and Pao. (官、宫、关、管、上、尚、严、包).
generation Shangguan Jie 上官桀 (140-80BC). His courtesy name was Sao Su (少叔). He was the oldest son of Rong. He married Wu
(伍氏) and had two sons (安、亨/官司寇).
Shangguan Jie, a Lift General
fought with Li Gong (李广),
and expanded the west frontier. He was
promoted by Emperor Li in charge of An Yong (安阳侯). Along with He Guong (霍光), Jin and Song (桑弘羊,金日殚), assisted the young Emperor. Shangguan Jie and his
son An and many Shangguan were killed in a power struggle. Others ran for their
lives. This was the first big loss of Shangguan in Chinese history.
generation Shangguan An 上官安 (126-80 BC). His courtesy name was Zifar (子发). The oldest son of Jie, he was a grand general
who fought for the country with his father (车骑大将军). He and his wife He (霍) had three sons (斯,吉,期)
two were killed by his father in-law He
(霍). Their son Qi (期) was born a year later after the Shangguan
killing. Their daughter Shangguan Yener 云霓, the Empress, was not killed.
漢武帝長公主墓地確定 曾被誤認為荊軻墓 (Emperor Liu Che's daughter was on Shangguan Jie (上官桀) side, she committed suicide after the failed coup. Her tomb was found in Nov. 2014)
漢武帝長公主墓地確定 曾被誤認為荊軻墓 (Emperor Liu Che's daughter was on Shangguan Jie (上官桀) side, she committed suicide after the failed coup. Her tomb was found in Nov. 2014)
generation Shangguan Qi 期 (79-17 BC). His courtesy name was Fu Xing (孚兴). His mother had hidden his true identity till all
the He Goung’s (霍光)
family was killed around 66 B.C. Qi
had a son Xi (熙). They and Grand Empress Dowager Shangguan
(上官云霓 89 BC-37 BC) were together.
The 10th generation
Shangguan Xi 熙(56 BC). His courtesy name was (冀尚). He was a Tien Sui official (天水郡守). He and his wife (麻氏) had two sons (由, 焕).
The 11th generation
Shangguan You 由(25BC?): His courtesy name was (敦牧). The oldest son of Xi (熙). The Emperor (孝平帝) appointed him as (官典簿丞). He his wife (卓氏) had two sons (良, 朗).
The 12th generation
Shangguan Long 朗 (12BC): His courtesy name was (达邙), another name Ming Xuan (名铉), the second son of You (由) in East Han Dynasty. He was (官少府). He and his wife Xiang (项氏) had only one son (瑶).
The 13rd generation
Shangguan Yao 瑶(40?): His courtesy name was (良瑜). Also Long Gong Zi (朗公子) in East Han. The Emperor (孝章帝) appointed him (司隶校尉). He and his wife Zhao (赵氏) had two sons (鸿, 鸪) were (官安阳留守).
The 14th generation
Shangguan Houng 鸿 (62?): His courtesy name was (清怡), also Nong. He was the oldest son of Yao. The
Emperor (孝和帝) appointed him as (西部都尉). He and his wife (龚氏, 蓝氏) had three sons (椿/佳昕, 机, 棱/佳奇).
The 15th generation
Shangguan Ji 机(90): His courtesy name was (伯昌), also (毓) in East Han. He was the governor of Zhong Zhou
(官潭州留守). He and his wife Wen (温氏) had three sons (图, 圭, 资).
The 16th generation
Shangguan Zi 资 (121): His courtesy name was (楚成), the third son of Ji. The Emperor (孝桓帝) appointed him as (谏议大夫). He and his wife Wang (王氏) had one son (兼).
The 17th generation
Jian 兼 (150): His courtesy name was (明煦) also (廉). He was appointed to Sichuan as Situ (蜀司徒). He and his wife Liu (刘氏) had two sons (胜, 彪) were (巴州都尉). Jian was buried at Mt. Emei. (峨眉山).
The 18th generation
Shangguan Sen 胜 (183): His courtesy name was (浩溪). The oldest son of Jian (兼). He was (西蜀太尉). He died and was buried at Mt Emei (峨眉山) next to his father. He and his wife Chang
(陈氏) had two sons (茂, 光).
The 19th generation
Shangguan Gong 光 (210): His courtesy name was (抒含), also (先). Younger son of Sen (胜). He was the Eastern Branch Shangguan ancestor from
East Han. From Loyoung (洛阳) to Shan Zhou (陕州), He was the governor of Anyoung (安阳府丞). He and his wives were Liu and Zhang (刘氏, 张氏); he had two sons (岩, 峻). They were officials of Lu Zhou (泸州太尉).
Shangguan Mong (上官茂): His courtesy name was (文祥). He was the oldest son of Sen and the Western
Branch of Shangguan. He and his wife (涂氏) had one son (洪).
The 20th generation
Shangguan Yan 岩 (242): His courtesy name was (友惟), the oldest son of Gong (光) in Wei (魏). He was an official at West Jin’s official
(西晋黄门侍郎). He and his wife Eoyong (欧阳氏) had two sons (纪, 壬).
Shangguan Hong (洪): His courtesy name was (友宜) He was West Jin’s official (散骑侍郎). He and his wife Ma (马氏) had a son (恪).
The 21st generation
Shangguan Ji 纪 (275): His courtesy name was (乙言), the oldest son of Yan (岩). He was Jin’s official (谏议大夫). He and his wife Fan (范氏) had one son (昱).
Shangguan Ge 恪: son of Hong. His courtesy name was (申言). He and his wife Xie (谢氏) had a son (谨).
The 22nd generation
Shangguan Yen 昱 (306): His courtesy name was (涵书). He and his wife Cheng (成氏) had two sons (会, 昭).
Shangguan Jing
谨: His courtesy name was (涵峄), Ge’s (恪) son. He and his wife Xie had son (霁).
The 23rd generation
Shangguan Hui 会 (337): His courtesy name was (一戈), Yen’s (昱) oldest son. He was the Giant General
(符秦(前秦)辅国大将军) of east Jin (东晋). He and his wives Wu and Lin (吴氏、林氏) had three sons (芥, 莱, 葶).
Shangguan Wo
(上官霁): His courtesy name was (云), Jin’s (谨) son. He was appointed as (稿城公). He and his wife (蔡氏) had a son (思慎).
generation Shangguan Lai 莱 (365): His courtesy name was (品馨), Hui’s second son. He was a general (镇国将军). He and his wife Ye (叶氏) had two sons (谟, 诞).
Shangguan Si Chen
(上官思慎), the son of Wo. He and his wife (俞氏) had a son (昂).
Generation Mo 谟 (398): His courtesy name was (申思), Lai’s (莱) oldest son. He was TaiBo (太傅). He and his wife Xui (许氏) had two sons (瑭, 琪).
Ong (上官昂): His courtesy name was (升), Si Chen’s son. He was (北朝周刺史). He and his wife Wang (王氏) had son (政).
The 26th generation
Shangguan Tian 琛 (436): His courtesy name was (崎柏), the oldest son of Mo (谟). He and his wife Wen (文氏) had a son (震).
Shangguan Zhen (上官政): He was the son of Ong (昂) and official Sui (西郡太守). He was promoted as (清义公). He and his wife Fan (范氏) had a son (怀仁).
The 27th generation
Shangguan Tsen 震 (459): His courtesy name was (清琪), the son of Tian (琛). He and his wife (米氏) had two sons (靖, 良).
Shangguan HuiRen (上官怀仁): His courtesy name was (清岚), Zhen’s son and Wuwei General (武卫将军). He and his wife Liang (粱氏) had a son (翼).
The 28th generation
Shangguan Qing 靖 (490): His courtesy name was (力成), Tsen’s (震) oldest son in Northern Wei (北魏). He and his wife Liu (刘氏) had three sons (回, 化, 复).
Shangguan Yi (上官翼): His courtesy name was (一清), son of HuiRen (怀仁). He was an official (舒州刺史). He and his wife Zhen (郑氏) had a son (师裕).
The 29th generation
Shangguan Hui 回 (522): His courtesy name was (东晟), Qing’s (靖) oldest son in West Wei (西魏). He was an official (北周襄城太守). He and his wife Chen (程氏) had one son (贤).
Shangguan SiYu (上官师裕): His courtesy name was (品峰), son of Yi (翼) and an official (宣州刺史). He and his wife Huang (黄氏) had a son Yi Tong(义同).
The 30th generation
Shangguan Xian 贤 (544): His courtesy name was (惠中), son of Hui and an official (北周豳州太守). He and his wife Den (邓氏) had three sons (弘, 聂, 时).
Shangguan Wei’s son
Tinglan (庭兰) was killed with TingZi along with Shangguan Yi by
Empress Wu (武后) in the Tang Dynasty, later the emperor
(中宗) corrected her mistake and promoted him as
(追封黄门侍郎). His descendents lived in 秦陇.
Shangguan YiTong (上官义同): His courtesy name was (惠辛), Si Yu’s son (师裕). He and his wife Li (李氏) had a son (崇素).
The 31st generation
Shangguan Hong 弘 (573): His courtesy name was (含韵) also Hong (宏), Xian’s (贤) oldest son. He was from Shan Zhou (陕州) was an official in Sui (隋朝北部郎中) and 江都宫总监 in Yangzhou (扬州). He and his wife Ji (姬氏) had two sons (仪, 谨). The younger son Jing (谨), courtesy name (汝韶) along with their father Hong (弘) was killed by Chen Ning (陈棱). The oldest son Yi (仪) ran away to the hidden in the temple and was
educated by the monks.
Shangguan Chong Su (上官崇素): His courtesy name was (含之), was YiTong’s son, he married to Zhung
(庄氏) had a son (式).
The 32nd d generation
Shangguan Yi 仪: (608-664), His courtesy name was (游韶), Hong’s oldest son (弘). He was working for Emperor (太宗) Li Si Ming’s, then his son, the next Emperor
(高宗) as a Chancellor. He was also a poet well known as
Shangguan Style. (上官体). He died at age 62 with his sons and many other
Shangguan for against Empress Wu. This was second time Shangguan family lost a
lot of lives. They had to pick up and move. Emperor Li Xian (中宗) corrected Wu’s wrong doing and restored the
Shangguan family name. The award was given posthumously by the emperor. He
awarded him Zhong Su Lin (中书令), and reburied him with full national honor. His
painting was sent to Ning Yan Ge (凌烟阁) for worship. Emperor Li Xian also wrote a couplet
to praise him as the “grandpa of the state Chu” “上郢氏族王家楚将, 官居西台体效国公.” His wife Young was awarded as “first lady of the
state of Chu.” They had two sons, Ting Zi and Ting Zhang sons (庭芝, 庭璋).
Shangguan Si (上官式), His courtesy name was (伦山), his wife Lu (卢).
The 33rd generation
Shangguan Tingzi 庭芝 (625-664): His courtesy name was (公壁), also (纯). He was Yi’s oldest son and was (周王府属,秦州大都督), died with his father Yi. The award was given
posthumously by the emperor (中宗); he was awarded as “grandpa of Tien Su”
(天水郡公) and his wife Zhen was awarded as the “first lady
of Si State” (封沛国夫人), their son was killed with the father. Tingzi’s
daughter Shangguan Wan’er (婉儿) was spared.
Shangguan TingZhang 庭璋 (628-664): His courtesy name was (公圭) also (名吾/尔玉), the second son of Yi and was (太仆卿). He died with his father and brother. Wu Zhei
Tien loved Yi and his talent. She did not kill all Shangguan. Plus Shangguan
TienZhang married Emperor Li‘s daughter; Tingzi’s wife was a daughter of a very
powerful chancellor. All three grandsons were spared. Emperor Li Xian
(中宗) awarded TingZhang as a grandfather of Tein Su as
well and his wife Li as the first lady of Yong Xing (永兴郡主). Their three sons were Jinye (经野), Jingou (经国), and Jinwei (经纬).
The 34th generation
Shangguan Jingye 经野 (655): His courtesy name was (圣绩), the oldest son of the TingZhang (庭璋) and Zhong Ta Fu (中大夫). His wife Wei (韦氏).
Shangguan Jingou 经国 (659), his courtesy name was (圣功), second son of Tingzhang and was (监察御史). He and his wife Xue (薛氏) had a son Wen (文).
Shangguan Jinwei 经纬 (662-718), his courtesy name was (圣纶), also (丞纪). TingZhang 3rd son and he was the
(德州刺史); he and his wife Han (韩氏) had two sons (韶, 万).
Shangguan Wan 万, his courtesy name was (云虬), was 隋州通判.
Shangguan Wan’er 婉儿 (664-710): Tingzi’s daughter (庭芝). She was the scale of the country “持称量天下士.” She was Emperor Wu Zitian’s chancellor without
the name. She expanded her grandfather’s Shangguan Style and was called by
later generations “Woman Prime Minister” (巾帼丞相). Li Xian Emperor awarded her as Zhao Rong
(昭容); killed by Li Longji.
***Reading today's news, Sept 10th, 2013, I found this best gift for my birthday. Archaeologists may have actually found Shangguan Wan’ers tomb in my father's home province Shaanxi. The tomb is near the new airport (西安咸阳). According to the unearthed epitaph, Shangguan Wan'er was buried in August 710. the tomb is very close to Wu Zetian's mother's and her granddaughters's Tombs. The area was the burial ground for Royals since the Han Dynasty. The archaeological survey found a multi-slope ramp leading to a single-chamber tomb. The tomb faces South, and is 36.5 meters long, 10.1 meters deep, with five patios, five sky wells, and four holes. Epitaphs placed within the corridor are well preserved, the cover bearing the title "Grand Tang Zhao Rong Shangguan," in Zhiwen regular script, nearly a thousand words, recording Shangguan Zhao Rong's life, age, burial place, and other information.

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Black Stone over is 75x73x12.5 cm, pairs of Ruishou (瑞兽) connected with Paeonia |
夫道之妙者,乾坤得之而为形质;气之精者,造化取之而为识用。挻埴陶铸,合散消息,/不可备之于人,备之于人矣,则光前绝后,千载其一。婕妤姓上官,陇西 上邽人也。其先/高阳氏之后。子为楚上官大夫,因生得姓之相继;女为汉昭帝皇后,富贵勋庸之不绝。/曾祖弘,隨〔隋〕藤〔滕〕王府记室参军、襄州总管府 属、华州长史、会稽郡赞持、尚书比部郎中,与/榖城公吐万绪平江南,授通议大夫。学备五车,文穷三变。曳裾入侍,载清长坂之衣冠;/杖剑出征,一扫平江之 氛祲。祖仪, 皇朝晋府参军、东阁祭酒、弘文馆学士、给事中、太/子洗马、中书舍人、秘书少监、银青光禄大夫、行中书侍郎、同中书门下三品,赠中书令、/秦州都督、上柱 国、楚国公、食邑三千户,波涛海运,崖岸山高,为木则揉作良弓,为铁则/砺成利剑。采摭殚于糟粕,一令典籍困穷;错综极于烟霞;载使文章全盛。至于跨蹑簪 /笏,谋猷庙堂,以石投水而高视,以梅和羹而独步,官寮府佐,问望相趋,麟阁龙楼,辉光/递袭,富不期侈,贵不易交。生有令名, 天书满于华屋;没有遗爱, 玺诰及于穷/泉。父庭芝,左千牛、周王府属,人物本源,士流冠冕。 宸极以侍奉为重,道在腹心;王/庭以吐纳为先,事资喉舌。落落万寻之树,方振国风;昂昂千里之驹,始光人望。属楚国/公数奇运否,解印褰裳,近辞 金阙之前,远窜石门之外,并从流迸,同以忧卒。赠黄/门侍郎、天水郡开国公、食邑三千户。访以荒陬,无复藤城之榇;藏之秘府,空余竹简之/书。婕妤懿淑天 资,贤明神助。诗书为苑囿,捃拾得其菁华;翰墨为机杼,组织成其锦绣。/年十三为才人,该通备于龙蛇,应卒逾于星火。 先皇拨乱返正,除旧布新,救人疾/苦,绍天明命。神龙元年,册为昭容。以韦氏侮弄国权,摇动 皇极。贼臣递构,欲立爱/女为储;爱女潜谋,欲以贼臣为党。昭容泣血极谏,扣心竭诚,乞降 纶言,将除蔓草。/先帝自存宽厚,为掩瑕疵,昭容觉事不行,计无所出。上之,请擿伏而理,言且莫从;中之,/请辞位而退, 制未之许;次之,请落发而出,卒为挫衂;下之,请饮鸩而死,几至颠坠。/先帝惜其才用,慜以坚贞,广求入腠之医,纔救悬丝之命,屡移朏魄,始就痊平。表请 退/为婕妤,再三方许。暨 宫车晏驾,土宇衔哀。政出后宫,思屠害黎庶;事连外戚,欲倾/覆 宗社。皇太子冲规参圣,上智伐谋,既先天不违,亦后天斯应,拯 皇基/于倾覆,安 帝道于艰虞。昭容居危以安,处险而泰。且陪 清禁,委运于乾坤之/间;遽冒铦锋,亡身于仓卒之际。时春秋四十七。 皇鉴昭临, 圣慈轸悼,爰造 /制命,礼葬赠官。太平公主哀伤,赙赠绢五百匹,遣使吊祭,词旨绸缪。以大唐景云元年/八月二十四日,窆于雍州咸阳县茂道乡洪渎原,礼也。龟龙八卦,与红 颜而并销;金石/五声,随白骨而俱葬。其词曰: /
generation Shangguan Sao 韶 (686-749): his courtesy name was (棣谟/帝谟), also (承恩). He was Jinwei’s oldest son and held the position
as (侍御史), then promoted as (御殿中丞). He and his wife Kong (孔氏) had two sons 烨, 煜.
Generation Shangguan Hua 烨 (721): His courtesy name was (德明), the oldest son of Sao (韶) and held position (拜起居郎, 中书舍人). He and his wife Li had two sons. 文善(徙闽省邵武), 文祥(裔徙鄂湘). Shangguan
Xien 上官煜 (723-798): His courtesy name was (德耀), also (应煌), the second son of Sao (韶), died at 78. Held position as (麟州司马). He and his wife Ma had two sons (偕, 传).
The 37th generation
Shangguan Kai 偕 (751-821): His courtesy name was (志能), the oldest son of Xien (煜)
and our ancestor in Fujian.
He as JinSi (进士) and a (补官支度判官任福州户曹参军) in Fuzhou. He died at age 71. He and his wives
Zhao and Liu (赵氏, 刘氏) had five sons:
Shangguan Jayou (甲遒/大遒) and his wives Wang and Huang (王氏, 黄氏) were ancestors in Fuzhou (福州系).
Shangguan Yiyou 乙遒, offspring lived in 榕、闽侯、永泰.
Shangguan Bingyou 丙遒, offspring lived in 徙尤溪、闽中各县.
Shangguan Dingyou and
Xingyou 丁遒, 辛遒, their offspring lived 徙福清, 闽南, 粤东.
The 38th generation
Shangguan Dingyou 丁遒 775-8410: His courtesy name was (源初), the fourth son of Kai (偕). He was an expert on YiGing (易经, 堪舆, 星相). In 829, he moved to Saou Wu (邵武府光泽上乡永宁里), with his wives Lian, Huang and Chen (练氏, 黄氏, 陈氏); they were ancestors of Shangguan in northern
Fujian. They had three sons (岳, 峄, 峰).
The 39th generation
Shangguan Yue 岳 (805-848: His courtesy name was (申伯), the oldest son of Dingyou (丁遒). He was the Emperor’s (文宗) southern general (拜镇南将军), with his wives Wei and Go (魏氏, 郭氏), they had five sons 器, 豪, 霸, 泊, 庞.
Shangguan Qi’s 器’ offspring lived 赣, 粤, 桂.
Shangguan Ba’s 霸 offspring lived 徙沙县三元, 梅列 Today’s 三明市, 湘鄂.
Shangguan Bei 泊.
Shangguan Log’s 庞 offspring lived 徙赣苏皖.
The 40th generation
Shangguan Bei 泊 (822-881): His courtesy name was (周恒) also (文善). The fourth son of Yue (岳), was ancestor of SaoWu in Fujian (邵武). He was appointed as (剑南马军巡轻宣置使), then promoted as (乾符间升邵武兵马统制). He and his son were ordered to stop the Huang Zhao
Army (黄巢军); both died in battle. They were awarded as brave
and loyal Generals of the Country (忠勇护国将军), also awarded as grandpa of Tien Sui and built a
temple for them: today’s Black Face Temple (今黑面王). And “上官四府君墓” was on their tomb stone. Later in Song Dynasty
post award (惠安善应王). He and his two wives Zhang and Gong (张氏, 龚氏) had two sons 兰、榕.
The 41st generation
Shangguan Lan 兰 (843-881): His courtesy name was (子芝), the oldest son of Bei (泊).
He was a general (拜建安东统制将军), died at age 37 with his father,. He was awarded
as a brave and royal general as well and buried by his father. He and his wife
Chen (陈氏) had one son 舍.
The 42nd generation
Shangguan Se 舍 (865-933): His courtesy name was (友居), son of Lan (兰), he was a medical doctor. He and his wife Zhang
(张氏) had three sons 仁万, 仁郁, 延嗣.
Shangguan RenWan 仁万 moved to 浙江.
Shangguan Renyu 仁郁 stayed.
Shangguan Ting Chi’s 延嗣 offspring moved to 浙, 赣.
The 43rd generation
Shangguan Renyu 仁郁 (890-949): His courtesy name was (德昌), second son of Se (舍). Took many official duties. His tomb stone reads
“虞侯上官九府君之墓.” He and his wife Huang (黄氏) had two sons. 保胄, 保拱(都御侯).
The 44th generation
Shangguan Paowei 保胄 (939-1006): His courtesy name was (仲华), the oldest son of Renyu (仁郁). He held a position as (拜建安军别驾). He and his wife (张氏) had three sons 守富, 文晓(官司马参军), 文深(官大常奉礼郎).
The 45th generation
Shangguan Soufu 守富(957-1023): His courtesy name was (伯仁), the oldest son of Baowei (保胄). He was an official (拜合门使, 光禄勋判大常府事) later promoted as (台省司空). He and his wife Huang (黄氏) had four sons 应娇(北部郎中), 君陈(教练部丞), 有质, 廷操(官都监御史).
The 46th generation
Shangguan Youzi 有质 (989-1056): His courtesy name was (文叔), Sofu’s (守富) 3rd son in Song Dynasty. He founded
school “云樊书院,” educated several government officials. He was
appointed as (尚书职方员外郎). They also built “白莲堂” for Shangguan’s offspring to receive higher
education. He was awarded as 祥符太君. His son Nin 凝 made a giant bell printed his achievements, it
weighed 1400 lbs. He and his wife Huang (黄氏)
had three sons 曾, 凝, 陶 and three sons were JinSi (进士). Father and uncles, sons, cousins, 22 JiSi, total
72 working for the Song Emperor. It was a high point for the family of
The 47th generation
Shangguan Nin 凝 (1013-1070): His courtesy name was (成叔), 号闲居燕士. The second son of Youzi (有质). He was county governor in 安徽池州铜陵县尉, then 终尚书职方员外郎, and 通判处州军事. He worked very hard and died at age 58, was
awarded as “金紫光禄大夫” and his wife Gao (高氏) was awarded as “长乐太君 and 永嘉郡夫人.” They had four sons: 垲, 均, 填, 堪.
Qi 垲: His courtesy name was (彦明), a JinSi (进士) and in charge of transportation in Guangdong
Tein 填: His courtesy name was (彦珍), was a JinSi (进士) and 台谏御史, then 龙图阁侍制.
Sen 堪 was 江州司马.
generation Shangguan Juen 均 1041-1070: JinSi (进士). His courtesy name was (彦衡). 2nd son of Nin (凝). He was an atheist. He was an official in KeiFu
开封, Henan. Turned over Douxin’s case (窦莘平冤) and returned his innocence. He effectively stopped
He fired corrupt officials like 蔡确, 李清臣 and stopped the practice of cheating on official
exams. He was promoted as “金紫光禄大夫.” His works include 《广陵文集》五十卷,《曲礼讲义》十卷,《奏议》10卷, 《北史录》一卷. His wife Zhang was awarded SoRen 硕人, wife Young (杨氏) awarded first lady of Nin state (宁国夫人). Five sons: 悃(官通史令), 憺(官宣教郎), 愔,
Song Religion order (宋神宗) awarded a couplet to Nin (凝) and Juen (均) “南剑名臣第,西台学士家.”
The 49th generation
Shangguan Yin 愔 (1075-1111): JinSi (进士). His courtesy name was (仲雍), 3rd son of Juen (均) and 5th level official in 生蟠, 金陵, 徐州. His works included “尚书小传,” “论语孟子略解,” “史统,” ”史旨.”
He and his wives Wu (五氏), Zhen (曾氏), Pen (彭氏) had one son 蟠.
Shangguan raised from late Tang, reached highest
period in Songs. 17 Shangguan received awards from the Emperor. Total 160
Shangguan was government officials. Shangguan was named as the century family
(天下世家, 樵城第一家).
The 50th generation
Shangguan Fan 蟠 (1101-1125): His courtesy name was (谷), also 乃, 盘, 潘. Son of Yin (愔) in Southern Song. He moved south to Dingzhou
汀州府 宁化县泉上里新坊村. He was our branch ancestor. He and his wife Mao
and Lin Fu (毛氏, 令狐氏) had three sons 升, 明, 旺.
The 51st Generation
Shangguan Seng 升 (1122-1125): His courtesy name was (申田), the oldest son of Fan (蟠). He and his wife Chen (陈氏) had three sons 统, 益,必克.
Shangguan Yi 益 was a JuRen (举人), his wife Huang (黄氏), he might have returned SaoWu
Shangguan BeKe 必克: His courtesy name was (复之); he was in charge of the state military (全州录事参军).
The 52nd generation
Shangguan Tong 统 (1143-1166): JinSi (进士). His other name was 万一, the oldest son of Sen (升). He held position as 金陵知府, and later returned home. His wives were Li, Lou
and Qiyou (李氏, 罗氏, 邱氏) and they had nine sons: 新(曾氏), 留(李氏), 金(刘氏), 豪(吕氏), 绎, 修(涂氏), 丰(张氏), 炜 (赖氏).
Shangguan Xing 新 and his wife (曾氏) stayed in Shanghung (上杭县).
The 53rd generation
Shangguan Chei 绎(1167): His courtesy name was Teinzhen (天贞), also (虞/千五郎/千五郎/念五郎) 5th son of Tong. They
had one son. (友德).
The 54th generation
Shangguan Youde 友德 (1188): His courtesy name was (谊成), the oldest son of Chei (绎). He and his wife Yong (杨氏媛娘) had four sons. 五一,
五二, 五三, 五四.
The 55th generation
Shangguan Fifth Ernong 五二郎 (1211): His courtesy name was (犹润), the second son of the Youde (友德). He and his wife Ye (叶氏五娘) had three sons. 六一(字宜刚), 六二(宜匀) 六三(宜茂).
The 56th generation
Shangguan Sixth Ernong 六二郎 (1235): His courtesy name was (宜匀), the second son of Fifth Ernong (五二郎). He and his wife Qu (邱氏) had three sons. 通郎, 台郎, 六郎.
*** Many Shangguan shortened to Guan around this
The 57th generation
Shangguan Sixth Nong 六郎 (1257): His courtesy name was (本昀), Sixth Nong’s (六二郎) third son. He and his wife (赖氏四娘) moved to Dragon Guan Fun (龙门官坊, today’s 今清流官坊). They had one son. 十二郎.
generation Shangguan Twelve Ernong 十二郎 (1279):
His courtesy name
was (昱清), Sixth Nong (六郎). He and his two wives (吴九娘, 吴十一娘) had four sons. 二郎, 三郎, 八郎, 九郎.
The 59th generation
Shangguan Ninth Nong 九郎 (1302): His courtesy name was (汶焕), was Twelfth Nong’s youngest son. He married Lai
(赖三娘) had two sons. 五郎, 小九.
The 60th generation
Shangguan Fifth Nong 五郎 (1326): His courtesy name was (齐禄), Ninth Nong’s oldest son. He and his two wives Wu
and Huang (吴一娘, 黄二六娘) had three sons.: 念一、念二、念三.
The 61st generation
Shangguan Nien Third Nong 念三郎 (1357): His courtesy name was (德昭), Fifth Nong’s third son. He and his three wives
Lei, Wei and Zhao (赖九娘, 魏四娘, 赵八娘) had two sons.千益, 千义.
The 62th eneration
Shangguan Qianyi 千益 (1381): JiSi (进士) His courtesy name was (子美), Nien Third Nong’s oldest son. He and his two
wives Wu and Zhao (吴十七娘, 赵四八娘) had three sons. (定应, 定通, 定达.
The 63rd generation
Shangguan Dingtong 定通 (1407): His courtesy name was (寿贤), also (庚三), the second son of Qianyi (千益). He and his two wives Chei and Chen had five
元达, 顺孙, 仁孙, 仁美, 巳甫.
generation Shangguan Zenswen 仁孙 (1437): His courtesy name was (以正), Dintong’s third son. He and his two wives Lin
and Lei (林二娘, 赖秀娘) had two sons 德世, 德龙.
generation Shangguan Desi 德世 (1460): The oldest son of RenSuen (仁孙). He and his wife Lei (赖氏三娘) had four sons. 宗显, 宗保,宗保(字茂贤), 宗守(字茂荫).
Shangguan Delong 上官德龙 (1463): His courtesy name was (玉成), RenSuen’s (仁孙) son. He married to We (魏氏十娘).
Shangguan was declining in
Southern Song. Jerchen had attacked the Shangguan family, which was loyal to
Song. Shangguan killed the person sent by Jerchen who pursued them
and surrendered.. Many Shangguan died.
Most Shangguan started moving south, west of SaoWu (邵武). SaoWu is at the foothill of Mt. Wuyi. Our branch moved to Shanghung
(上杭县) then moved further south to Yongding (永定). Our “Shangguan” name was shortened to “Guan”
there. We lived there for about ten generations before we moved again west to
Sichuan (四川).
Please help to rebuild the eleventh generation (1699-1775) grandfather Guan Yuen Hui ' s tomb: 亟待修复的内江官氏祖坟-云辉公墓
新修内江官氏祖坟外地捐款帐号: 中国工商银行四川内江支行玉溪路分理处
Please help to rebuild the eleventh generation (1699-1775) grandfather Guan Yuen Hui ' s tomb: 亟待修复的内江官氏祖坟-云辉公墓
Please wire your donations to Yuen Hui ' s tomb restoration payable to:
Guan zhong pu (官众仆)
新修内江官氏祖坟外地捐款帐号: 中国工商银行四川内江支行玉溪路分理处
官众仆 621723 2307000080724
Shangguan Jia Miao in SaoWu (邵武), rebuilt in the Qing Dynasty (1644) after it was destroyed by Jerchen. Jerchen killed a lot of Shangguan in SaoWu which sent many Shangguan running.
Shangguan/Guan Family Shrines in Different Parts of China
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上官纪念馆河南信阳 (from Shangguan Family Website) |
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The New Shangguan Family Shrine in Wenzhou (温州) |

Shangguan/Guan Family Shrines in Different Parts of China
See more Shangguan Family Website:
hello, I came across your website by accident. I'm also a Guan - 官, I've been trying to search for more info on my family name for ages but google didn't seem to supply much info. I'm Singaporean and I'm also Hakka but I can't understand nor speak it. Appreciate all your posts as this is really interesting & exciting for me! :)
ReplyDeleteHi Julie, I'm a 官 too living in Singapore. It's written as Kwan in English. I suddenly became interested in learning about my family genealogy after hearing about the "jiapu". My grandfather was a Hokkien. I curious if we happen to share the same ancestors!